PT Tekno Medicalogy adalah distributor resmi alat kesehatan | Izin PAK:  FK.01.01/VI/163/2017
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harga Pipet Volumetrik 5 ml Skala Coklat Duran 2433807 per pack isi 3

Pipet Volumetrik 5 ml Skala Coklat Duran 2433807 per pack isi 3

Berat: 0.0 kg SKU: 77700SMC No Registrasi: ISO 648

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

DURAN® AR Volumetric pipette, 5 ml, class AS
Product details
  • Capacity


5 ml

  • Height (h)


400 mm

  • Pack quantity



  • Accuracy limits


0.015 ml

  • Run-out time


7 - 11 s

  • Material


Glass Type 3

  • Color



  • Color code DIN 12621




Harga Pipet Volumetrik 5 ml Skala Coklat Duran 2433807 per pack isi 3 :


Deskripsi Pipet Volumetrik 5 ml Skala Coklat Duran 2433807 per pack isi 3

  • Typical applications: accurate measurement and decanting of liquids.
  • DURAN® volumetric products have closely calibrated scales that permit very accurate determination and measurement of volumes. DURAN® products are available in two accuracy classes: class A/AS and class B. The two classes differ in the accuracy of measurement with class A being the highest accuracy class and class B being approximately half that of class A. Class AS has the same tolerances as class A, but is designed to permit more rapid outflow.
  • Never heat volumetric glassware on a hot plate.
  • Always heat up and cool down volumetric glassware gradually, to avoid thermal stresses and thus any possible breakage of the glass.

Diskusi Pipet Volumetrik 5 ml Skala Coklat Duran 2433807 per pack isi 3

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