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harga Defibrillator Primedic Heartsave One

Defibrillator Primedic Heartsave One

Berat: 5.6 kg Brand: Primedic SKU: 90000RBL No Registrasi: AKL 30505310816

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Com­ple­te­ly re­de­si­gned and spe­cial­ly de­ve­l­o­ped for lay­peop­le and first ai­ders so that they can pro­vi­de life-sa­ving tre­at­ment even more ef­fi­ci­ent­ly. 

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Deskripsi Defibrillator Primedic Heartsave One

Com­ple­te­ly re­de­si­gned and spe­cial­ly de­ve­l­o­ped for lay­peop­le and first ai­ders so that they can pro­vi­de life-sa­ving tre­at­ment even more ef­fi­ci­ent­ly. The HeartS­a­ve ONE of­fers sim­ple and in­tui­ti­ve ope­ra­ti­on with clear voice prompts and a me­tro­no­me to pace chest com­pres­si­ons. Its re­lia­bi­li­ty makes it a va­lued mem­ber of the HeartS­a­ve fa­mi­ly.

Features :
Adult and pe­d­iatric modes
Sa­ve­Pak com­pri­sing bat­te­ry and pre-con­nec­ted elec­tro­des
Bag in­clu­ded in de­li­very
Pro­tec­tion against splashwa­ter and dust (IP 55)

Status display : Ac­tive sta­tus dis­play pro­vi­des com­pre­hen­si­ve in­for­ma­ti­on on the de­vice's ope­ra­ting sta­tus (re­gu­lar self-tests).
Speaker : Using the AED is sim­ple and in­tui­ti­ve thanks to clear voice prompts (mo­no­lin­gu­al) and fre­quen­cy va­lues throughout the ent­i­re de­fi­bril­la­ti­on pro­cess.
SavePak : Bat­te­ry and pre-con­nec­ted elec­tro­des.
Access to SaveCard : The de­vice au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly stores all data and am­bi­ent noise (cap­tu­red by a mi­cro­pho­ne) on a re­mova­ble Sa­ve­Card.
Pediatric Button : Pe­d­iatric de­fi­bril­la­ti­on ac­cor­ding Me­trax GmbH pe­d­iatric ECG da­ta­ba­se
Shock button : Once the de­vice has been clea­red for use, de­fi­bril­la­ti­on is trig­ge­red by pres­sing the shock but­ton.
Membrane keyboard : Sup­ports the user du­ring ope­ra­ti­on by means of an ac­tive LED pic­to­gram.

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